第302期:faint praise

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第302期:faint praise

2024-06-10 13:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

今天我们来学一个有趣的词:faint praise. 字面意思是“虚弱的赞美”,你能猜出是什么意思吗?

Faint praise这个词一般不单独使用,最常见的固定搭配是damn something/someone with faint praise.


释义1:to praise someone or something with such a lack of enthusiasm that it is obvious you do not think they are at all good

释义2:If someone damns something with faint praise, they say something about it which sounds quite nice but is not enthusiastic, and shows that they do not have a high opinion of it.

释义3:praise somebody/something so little that you seem to be criticizing them/it

释义4:Damning with faint praise is a logical fallacy when someone is attacked through praise of an achievement that isn’t praiseworthy or isn’t significantly praiseworthy, suggesting that no achievements worthy of praise exist.

怎么样?理解faint praise的涵义了吗?


Faint praise也是一种praise(表扬、赞扬、称赞),但不是真心的,所以称为faint(虚弱的),其实就是虚假的。表面上是赞扬,其实表达了说话人的不认可或批评。


你花了很多时间和心血,做了一个ppt或写了一份分析报告,交给老板,满心以为老板会对你大家赞赏,结果老板轻飘飘地回了个邮件给你:Thanks for the efforts. (谢谢你的努力)

Thanks for the efforts这句话在这个例子里就是faint praise. 因为虽然是thanks,但明显表达了老板对你的PPT或报告根本不认可,只是出于面子模糊地回应了你一句。


上图中这姑娘说I just love your dress!正当你以为这是句赞扬时,她说It really helps to disguise your hips. (能遮屁股)。(真实意思是你的屁股大,这衣服不显屁股。)这就是faint praise.

再来看一个例子。假设你请一个外国朋友到你家吃饭,你亲自下厨做了几道拿手菜,希望外国朋友领略一下你的厨艺。你问外国朋友:How do you like the food? 外国朋友回答说:It tastes quite good when you’ve lived in the UK for 22 years. (对于一个在英国住了22年的人来说,菜很不错。)

你的外国朋友其实并没有觉得你做的菜好吃,只是比糟糕的英国菜好一点。这就叫faint praise.

你再跟别人描述这件事时就可以说:My friend damned it with faint praise :’It tastes quite good when you’ve lived in the UK for 22 years.


If you did that, you had damned the new book with faint praise.

最后,faint praise应该翻译成什么呢?佛老认为翻译成“虚假赞扬”还凑合。欢迎大家留言讨论。大家在阅读英语小说时如果碰到这个词,可以留意一下那个场景和上下文,准确理解faint praise微妙的涵义。

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